Our company was established in 1997 in Sakarya to carry out the disinfection process of broiler coops. In the same year we opened our branch in Bolu where the broiler coops are concentrated. Since 1997 operating in our industry today have made many disinfections of poultry broiler integrated companies, we continue to do so. Among the companies we work with, we can list the leading companies of the poultry industry such as Erpilic, CP Chicken, and Ak Chick. We also provide disinfection services to our producers who work in Bilecik, Kocaeli, Sakarya, Düzce, Bolu, Zonguldak, Karabük, Çankırı, and Ankara and in our provinces which are connected to these integrated companies. We have the pleasure to serve our esteemed customers in disinfection sector for 20 years with our sophisticated technology. We have five vehicles equipped with the latest system technology and together with our experienced staff who have been working in our company for many years, we are working for you to make healthier production. For twenty years, we have been honored by the companies that we are honored to serve, and they are inspected by taking swabs from the coops that our teams disinfected and eventually register our achievements. If we write down the disinfection process that we are trying to transfer to our producers the slogan would be "Protect is cheaper than treating";
It is very important to remove all organic pollution, such as poultry stools and other litter. From the environment because it is the main source of infections. High level of organic contamination negatively affects the effectiveness of cleaning and disinfection.1 all food waste in the silo and feed line shall be removed. 2 Portable equipment shall be taken out. 3 The fertilizer to be removed. 4. Clean the adhered fertilizer on the floor with a spatula or a hard brush. All these wastes should be moved at least 1, 5 km away from the farm.
All water systems contain bacterial contamination, especially in the main tanks where dirt and debris can easily accumulate. This can lead to the infection of one coop to another. Sanitizing and disinfecting the water system allows elimination of bacterial and fungal undesirable productions. 1. 1. If the main tank is completely emptied and if there is heavy pollution remove any contamination. .2nd. Fill the entire system until the nipples are full and fill up with enough water to accumulate in the reservoir. 3: Keep 300 ratio Nipple Disinfectant for 24 hours 3. After emptying the disinfectant solution rinse the entire system thoroughly.
1-Wash the ceiling between the flaps, the glass edges, the air balls, the stove canvas with a tangled sprayer.
2. Wash all equipment in the pile, especially nipple bowls, with tangential sprayers.
3. Wash the floor of the coop with plenty of water.
4. Clean the front doors and fan base.
1. Non-ionic product is discarded with special apparatus for washing the finished flock.
2. After5 min the product is damped, rinsing starts
3. The entire area of the coop is thoroughly rinsed with plenty of water.
Disease-making organisms are the amounts that can infect new crops despite all the cleanliness. For this reason it is necessary to use a disinfectant which has proven to be effective against viruses, bacteria, yeast and mold. Prepared in a ratio of 1: 150
1: 200 ratio prepared
Using a high-pressure sprayer with a 1: 250 ratio of disinfectants, 0.3 liters of water per m² will be disinfected, followed by 0.5 liters of solution in the summer.
1. The base is laid on the floor of the coop.
2- All equipments are moved into the coop.
3. The ventilation systems are switched off.
4.Ulv, smoke machine or fogging tablets are processed.