“When poultry equipments are mentioned, the first to come to mind is Mert Veterinarian”

The Importance of Poultry

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A balanced diet every day for a certain amount of people have to eat animal products. However, both products are produced under this amount throughout the world and in Turkey.

35 grams of animal protein per day is a human need. Those living in developed countries, consumption is 44 g protein of animal foods. However, in undeveloped and poor countries, the daily amount of animal protein consumption average is 9 g. 27 gr. is the worldwide average, many people need to eat more animal products. This is the case in our country. Average consumption of animal protein 17gr. This value is under both the world and the required amount

Chicken meat and eggs because there is an important resource to meet this need and are produced more cheaply and more quickly.

Animal foods such as meat and dairy, or eggs that people consume less power to produce them. So it is expensive products for people who consumed less. However, poultry meat or eggs are cheaper than others. 1 kilo of red meat (beef or mutton) instead: 2-4kg chicken meat can be taken.

Poultry production is also an important branch for growers. Usually small, and for any business in the territory of the Turkish farmers spend money if they want to establish a limited facility such as a dairy cattle barn animal to put enough money deposited is not sufficient if the debt with the money when they can pay the money back after a while it is very cheap. However, enough to fill a set of breeding chick, chicken or cow stable enough to fill even less money spent hens is cut at least 2 months after the start to be sold or 4-5 months after the eggs.

Today in our country  there are fast developments in the poultry industry  as it is growing rapidly, but poultry developments in this particular branch of production greatly increases the number of enterprises is in the form of meat and eggs. Whereas feed factories that produce vaccines against diseases of poultry or poultry plants producing tools and equipment are covered. Developments in such industries is much slower.