“When poultry equipments are mentioned, the first to come to mind is Mert Veterinarian”

Important Diseases of Poultry

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Diseases chicken breeder's nightmare. Chicks, chicks, chickens as well as being a very important nutritional care and a wide variety of growers are obliged to fight disease. But the disease is so diverse ... All you want to know a separate illness.

On this topic, you learn about diseases you will be quite familiar with. But it's still not enough. There are some fatal ones. But every one risks will surely be reduced. So, if you are prudent, well-informed,. A little neglect, is a recipe for huge losses. After the disease there is less work to be done and is difficult. Most importantly, To keep disease away from the coop. This is both a guaranteed, easy and inexpensive.
Clean, Accuracy, Vaccine are three brothers, three of the most stable elements in the fight against disease.
İn order to help you identify the most salient features of these diseases. We want put out advices and recommendation:

Thus adversely affecting the health and productivity of poultry diseases, disorders, and collecting examine two main groups:
A-Microorganisms of the leading infectious diseases:
Character of contagious poultry diseases caused by microorganisms. Infectious diseases that are easily spread epidemics among animals when they found themselves constitute a suitable environment and can cause huge economic losses. This disease will examine four groups:
1-Bacterial diseases:
a) Poultry typhoid
b) Chronic Respiratory System Disease - CRD
c) Inf. Synovitis - Ms
d) Kolibasillozis
2-Viral diseases:
a) Newcastle - ND
b) Marek-MD
c) Gumboro - IBD
d) Infectious Bronchitis - IB
e) Egg Drop Syndrome - EDS/76
f) The Flower
3-Fungal diseases:
4-Parasitic diseases:
a) coccidium
b) Chicken ascariasis
c) Histomoniasis
d) External parasites
Vaccination to protect animals from infectious diseases, medication, disinfection, health conditions and preventive measures, the implementation and continuation of care is required.
B-microorganisms that are not advanced, non-communicable diseases:
It will examine three groups of diseases:
a-nutritional diseases
c-hereditary diseases
Non-communicable diseases transmitted from animals to stem from germs, but under certain conditions can cause infectious diseases and economic losses.
Animal feed mixtures of these diseases should have 1-protein, amino acids, minerals and vitamins enough due to the lack of absence.
2-Chemical substances or plant-derived poisons to be more than a certain amount of feed occurs as a result.
3-Some disorders are passed from a generation to a generation among animal species, and some people in the development of chick eggs during the incubation anomalies occur because of errors.
1-Bacterial Diseases:
a) Poultry typhoid
All birds can be seen. Contagious, deadly. Animals infected in two ways.
1.Eggs with the infection:
Hens egg carries the germ of typhoid fever and infects other hatched chicks.
2. Horizontal infection:
Others is a form of direct transmission from chickens infected patients or manger, watering, feed chickens and other poultry equipment, the disease can be transmitted.
Sick animals
Deaths within 10 days after onset of the disease starts. The mortality rate varies between yüzde20-80. Animals stagnate. Ruffled feathers, pale comb and beard. Greenish diarrhea are observed.
sick and dead animals are brought to the lab enough. These are the diagnosis of the disease.
The disease when treatment should be started immediately. Antibiotics are used. However, results can not be accurate at all times. Eggs of treated animals to be used as breeders.
Clean + Accuracy ...
Easy to prevent typhoid. Coops is a good disinfectant, poultry, if the input-output control, eggs, businesses, non-disease is received, the hen chicken coop drop by typhoid fever typhoid tests
b) Chronic Respiratory Disease (CRD: Si-ar-di)
Is a very common disease in our country. Chicken, chicken and turkeys seen. Young animals more catch.
Is respiratory tract infection. Disease in an animal that survived a long time with the disease produces eggs. In addition, feed and water dish, dust-to-earth transmits disease.
Patient animal's breath is reduced.
Patients are wheezing. Difficult to breathe extends his head, opens his mouth, as further breathes. Has a runny nose. Turkeys have runny nose and eyes. The animal's eyes closed.
Broiler chickens 4-8 weeks of illness seen in flocks. Reduced feed intake, weight loss occurs.

Predecessor is the same. Sick and dead animals taken to the laboratory, diagnostics are placed there.
Antibiotics are given with feed and water. Feed protein, minerals and vitamins are added.
Protectionism a must ...!
This disease is seen everywhere grown in chicken and turkey. Let's not forget the disease contagious too eggs. Control of breeding and hatching eggs for her very important work.
Flock heat, light, moisture, ventilation should be appropriate. Poultry should never be crowded. Of course, the first condition for the cleaning and disinfection of protection.
c) Infectious synovitis
The disease appears in young turkeys and chickens with swelling of the joints. Through which it is contagious germs eggs from the infected animal to animal.
The animal crest solar, becomes smaller, ruffled feathers, legs, swollen joints is difficult to move the animal. Animal gradually weakened and dry.
For diagnosis taken to the laboratory animal.
After drug Treatment with Antibiotics, vitamins, leaning is important. Patients are divided into those.
d) Kolibasillozis
Germ come forward. Either alone does disease or disorder is accompanied by another.
Contaminated with faecal germs seeping through the egg shell, inside the chicks, or kills the patient.
Day-old navel enters all kinds of wounds infected. Lethal.
Sometimes all of a sudden starts deaths. Initially have no symptoms.
When symptoms are similar to other diseases. So the recession, loss of appetite, hair growth surge is like symptoms.
Germs, dirty chick inside the egg shell of the egg, even if entered in a very live, or who can live does not work either should exclude them immediately.
Fire bug occurs when the chicks yellow sac navel. Exhausted animal, puffed abdomen, round the umbilical inflammation.
The disease may settle in the joints. Swollen joint areas, animal heat and painful walk.
Diagnosis is not easy to detect.
Confused with other diseases. Impasse right symptoms of the disease diagnostic laboratories of its own will. A few animals are taken to the laboratory, diagnosis is placed.
Antibiotics for treatment of
Condition good-looking group of patients may be prescribed antibiotics or sulfa drugs. They are given food and water or by using a syringe.
Before cleaning the egg
Dirty eggs should be avoided. Eggs little dirty, dry, dry cleaned with a brush. It is best to spend fumigation eggs to be incubated. Incubators should be disinfected is also very good.
Kolibasillozis as well as other poultry diseases can be prevented by paying attention to the cleanliness.
2-Viral Diseases:
Newcastle (Nevkastıl) Disease
Here is a highly contagious and fatal disease Newcastle ...! Other name Liar Avian Influenza. All over the country, and is a very common disease in the world.
Routes of transmission of respiratory and digestive systems. Infected with a pathogen feed, water, materials, and equipment and through animal to animal.
His favorite is the animal waste ...
The disease was filthy and squalid flocks out easily. If you have stress in animals, poultry squeezed out of the disease are more visible. 90% of the lead up to death.
Suddenly leads to death.
Starting sudden deaths in the herd. Animals weary, fast and soluble wheezing, cough is seen. Wings, leg, neck, paralysis occurs. More severe in young sick animals. Cannot eat, egg production drops, poor quality, shelled eggs throws.
Similarly, there are other diseases, so that the affected and the dead animal is sent to the lab. There diagnostics are placed.

This disease, let's not coop
Very contagious. Very deadly. This disease how it can be avoided and defeated?
First, a clean poultry:
The right cleaning and disinfection should be done.
Violet inserting sacks coop from the outside for who refuse to enter into coops.
Eggs and chicks businesses will be better recognized, taken at random places.
Beginning of each measure: VACCINE
The most important measure of disease vaccine. A whole herd immunity against the disease.
There are two vaccines that we use. HB1 and LaSota. HB1 vaccine 30 animals is carried out twice as much as the log. LaSota vaccine 24 days-a second or subsequent vaccines to animals for drinking water, is applied as a spray or intramuscularly.
The vaccine should be in clean conditions. According to the description applied. Built 15 before grafting days after the immune status of the blood examination should be checked.

b) Marek's Disease
Tumors of the internal organs of the animals occurs. Contagious, deadly.
Involved in the dusty air of the flock germs (viruses) animals sick. Infected equipment, feed, water, litter conveys the disease.
Seen in two ways:
1.Chronic shape:
Seen in 10-15 weeks-old chickens. Disease is mild. Death is rare. Animal stagnant, a poor, pale comb and beard risks are weakened.
Paralysis of the legs and wings may occur. Therefore, one leg forward and one backward stretches. Wing falls. The fingers are multiplied, necks are twisted. Eyes glaze over, blindness can occur.

1. Acute shape:
The disease develops fast. Mortality is high. Symptoms of the disease are the same. Strokes.
Taken to the laboratory for diagnosis of dead and sick animals. Thus, like Marek is also distinguished from other diseases.
There is no treatment
Drug treatment is not possible. İnfected animals should be excluded. Poultry should be well disinfected.
Not take unvaccinated chicks ...!
While the Marek vaccine should be given a one-day-old chicks. Vaccinated chicks must shut out the coop. One hundred percent of the vaccine disease does not prevent illness or death if disease is mild. Chick after vaccination 3-4 weeks of age are recommended to make one more vaccine.

c) Gumboro Disease
A one more deadly infectious disease! Which affects 80-90' percent of the animals. Mortality rate of up to 10-15 per cent of young animals, if you have stress, it may lead to 30 percent. Usually 4-12 weeks animals.
What kind of a disease?
Disease in chickens. Chickens chills fatigue, weight loss and diarrhea. Patient chicks thrive.
If you have a flock of illness, disease, exclude immediately.
Animals brought in from outside may bring disease into the coop.
Disease may be carried by vehicles, equipment, food, into the chicken coop.
Broiler chickens may be affected by the disease too. The infected animals consume more food, and cost increases.
Condition of the patients
First, there are the recession. Soil contaminated with feces and feathers around Aft. Is white and watery diarrhea. Fatigue, chills, body hair and a seating request surge occurs.
Mimic other diseases, can be mixed with them. Best of all lab materials to make definitive diagnosis.
Unfortunately, there is no cure
No medicine cannot cure the disease. Patients were divided into those who suspect contamination is eliminated. Vitamin and mineral supplement feed carried out.
How should Disinfection done
Disinfection of poultry houses should do very well. The fight against the disease agent is highly resistant to external conditions, the most critical point is very efficient and careful cleaning and disinfection must be carried out from the circuit.
How do we do apply vaccination?
The fight against Gumboro disease by vaccination is an effective addition to other measures. However, a single vaccination against this disease is not able to suggest the program. Vaccination programs surrounding editing disease risk, protective materials passing in chicks from mother status, the direction of raising animals, vaccinated animals to be healthy, cleanliness condition of the flock should be considered.
d) Infectious Bronchitis Disease
Plenty of a lung disease. Disrupts the egg yield, reduces the lead to death. Caused by a virus.
Is respiratory tract infection. Disease germs infect the flock involved in the dusty air. Carrying the virus on infected causes every living and non-living.
Coughing, sneezing, wheezing ...!
Runny nose, cough, sneezing, can be seen. Animals are wheezing. Night and in the morning it sounds so obvious.
Sometimes it bounces off the virus in the kidneys. At that time the urine into the blood, the animal crest, feathers are a mess. Drink plenty of water for livestock, manure watered, wet litter. 6th day of the death of the disease can begin. 5 per cent of the animals during a week-long mortal 'i die. Less than chicks can withstand disease.

The disease undermines the egg channels. For her eggs in the shell changes. Soft-shelled, misshapen eggs are seen. Will always be bad eggs in animals surviving the disease.
Taken to the laboratory diagnosis of dead or diseased animals, is placed looking.
There are two kinds of vaccine
H52 and the H120 has two vaccines used in our country. H120, starting with the first day of vaccination in the form of eye drops, nose done. Spraying can be performed. The disease commonly seen, is the third week of vaccination, 8 th, 9 th week repeated.
The last vaccination before the egg is done. But without vaccination, a blood examination must be done initially. H52 to be made with the last vaccination, 15-17. weeks with drinking water should be made.
In addition, pay attention to hygiene in poultry, the patient must be separated by animals, reducing protein feeds, vitamins and minerals, reproduced, stress should be avoided.
e) Eds Disease (Egg Drop Syndrome = EDS/76)
Egg destroys channels. Therefore, the quality of the eggs up to 1-3 per cent deteriorates. Sometimes may also lead to death.
Cause of the disease virus. Dirty eggs, chicks passes. Chicken egg hatching, for the deterioration of the disease suggests that the patient cannot be understood.
Egg production drops
infected flock egg production drops. 10-15 percent yield loss occurs. Eggs are reduced. Roughening tops. May be thin-shelled, unshelled may occur. Watered egg whites.

Some animals can be seen in mild respiratory distress. But they pass diarrhea 8-10 days. Rarely seen in the events of death.
Animal should be taken to laboratory for diagnosis. Antibiotics, sulfonamides are given, the arrival of other diseases can be prevented with feed protein, vitamin and mineral supplement.
ED chassis
EDS vaccine before entering the period of the egg is done. 15-20 days after vaccination blood examination is performed, whether or not immunity against the disease are learned.
f) Smallpox
Caused by a virus. These viruses scratch or wound penetrates into the skin, makes it a bubble, in-house water cannons, and becomes inflamed. Over time, it dries, leaving the skin encrustation. Encrustation drops. But in these parts is full of viruses. They may pass to other animals again, they make the flower. This virus is heat, cold, sun, disinfectant is also very resistant to drugs.
The virus also in the oral cavity, tongue, esophagus to anise makes the disorders. Flowers leads to death.  Crowded cages, damp, dirty, and cold is more than the number of deaths.
Flowers occur in two ways:
1) Leather Flower Shaped
Beard, comb, face, mouth and eye edges and hairless skin makes small bubbles. Beak also seen around. Animals cannot open his mouth, not feed, the efficiency drops.
In this way, deaths are rare flower.

the oral cavity, tongue, pharynx, trachea over food and consists of gray-yellow colored dice. They cover the whole region. Held six bleeds removed. Poor flocks deaths are up to.
50 per cent of Diagnostic laboratory tests. This should take you to the lab for animal Diagnostic.

No special medication. Patients were divided into immediately. Bubbles and iodine glycerin is applied on the dice. Membranes in the oral cavity are removed carefully with tweezers instead of iodine glycerin is applied.
The vaccine can be applied to the infected flocks’ pigeon pox vaccine.
Robust flocks is from 1.5 to 2 per month when the chicken pox vaccine.
Animals, leg skin of smallpox vaccines by applying with a brush dipped in a needle, which can also be done in wing membrane.
Starts in three weeks and 1 year after vaccination immunity vaccines, the immune takes Pigeon flower lasts for 3-4 months.
Poultry Vaccination
The vaccine is not a drug. Designed to protect animals from various diseases in animals, which is a biological substance. There is no drug treatment of many diseases. Only vaccinated animals are protected against these diseases through vaccination practices, but also can provide the desired benefit does not cause adverse effects in a number of vaccines to be aware of the need for some. If they sort the ingredients in the brief:
Operating instructions must be followed to the vaccine, the vaccine should carefully read the operating instructions before applying to implement those, outdated, illegal, unlabeled, cold storage has not been used in vaccines
Vaccines sunlight, protected from sudden temperature changes in the refrigerator +40 C should be maintained.
Persons who apply Vaccines should use clean overalls, headgear, wear gloves and mask mouth nose spray vaccination.
Functioning of the equipment is to be used for the purpose of spray vaccination should be checked carefully.
Chlorine-free water should be applied by means of drinking water is also used in vaccines, disinfectants, detergents, soaps contain.
Vaccines are the only applied on healthy animals. Not in the case of illness or conditions.
Poultry vaccination should never have a problem.
Vaccination should be avoided during the animal's going to rough movements, should not rush.
Should be taken by all animals, and a sufficient amount of vaccines.
Unfinished vaccines should not be used past 3-4 hours after reconstitution, live vaccines should be used within 2 hours after reconstitution.
Empty bottles of vaccine should not be thrown around, collected in one place.
Vaccines routes of administration. Nose-to-eye, beak immersion, spray, drinking water, wing membrane penetration, injection-style application. Contact your veterinarian for vaccination programs need to be consulted.
Vaccination is subject to change according to the type about 15-20 days after vaccination, the immune enough from the blood of animals sent to a lab to check the status. If you have not identified a sufficient immune status of the implementation of the vaccination should be repeated after an appropriate period of time.
Before and after vaccination vitamin and mineral substance can be applied to animals.
3-Fungal Diseases:
At first, comb, beard and cheeks spread baldness factors that make up what we call diseases. Mushrooms in the skin and internal organs disorders, they do settle.
How detecting disorders
Scaling and crusting of the skin. Hairs fall out, comb thickens, fragmented. Filthiness occurs in animals smell.
Animal sluggish, weakness, the efficiency is reduced.
Settled in the internal organs, lungs, and brain disorders do:
Rapid breathing, power of breathing, tremors, paralysis, its axis of rotation, symptoms such as diarrhea occurs.
Adult animals die, not by Rock Artemis. But the yield is reduced.
Some fungi with dusty air, enters the body through breathing. Some of them enters the egg shell opening up minute cavities.
Diagnostic laboratory.
Treatment is difficult and not cheap. It is best to prevent disease emergence. He comes first in the cleaning and disinfection. Patients should immediately be separated from the coop.
4-Parasites and Diseases
a) coccidium (bloody diarrhea)
A parasite of birds have settled in the intestines. These are called Eimeria (aymerya). Here's disease Eimerialar doing this. Coccidium a coop when the animal breaks the passes. Makes a dreadful epidemics, which leads to death.
Young animals are more sensitive. 4-6 weeks those who are affected by this disease.
Oral infection is
The parasite eggs in faeces of the infected animals (oocyte) into the mouth of another animal, reaches the intestine. These eggs coop hen house, people also be carried by shoes, clothes, materials. Even insects and birds carry these oocytes. Each oocyte from an infected animal with feces disease. You need to enter a period called sporulation. Sporulation be dependent on the temperature and humidity. If you do not fit in suitable temperature and humidity, do not make sporulation. At that time, the power will not have access to the oocyte disease.
Wet litter is harmful
A poultry house litter dry, the oocyte sporulation coccidium to go to die. The disease cannot be detected easily. Chickens are not common, or tightness in the hen-house, the less chance of disease. The crowd flocks of infection is easier.
Watery feces of the infected animals. There are blood stains on the inside. Sometimes it falls can be seen, wings orange slimy stools, animal hump stops, ruffled feathers. Animals sits huddled gathering in together.

Diagnostic laboratories will be done. Experts look for oocytes in stool, intestines, examine under a microscope.
Should be treated immediately.
Several medications can be treated. Veterinarians will recommend appropriate remedies. Supplied with feed and water is effective drugs.
Previously, anticoccidials Shall we use drugs?
Prevention of coccidiosis drugs, disease can also be used before or after they are only used disease.
Immune animals can be inoculated against coccidiosis.
If desired anticoccidials drugs on the one hand, on the other hand can be antibiotics
Again, flocks moisture should be avoided. Chickens should not be cramped, poultry, clean air, substrate must be dry.
b) Chicken ascariasis (Worm Disease)
Yellowish-white in color, 5-12 inches long worms live in the intestines of thin Chickens, turkeys, and geese. The female worm eggs in feces exits, another enters the mouth of the chickens go into the small intestine tumors.
We call this number increased intestinal parasites clog. Occasionally diarrhea leads to the small intestine, which leads to weak animals, egg production decreases.
Diagnostic, laboratory examination of stool and intestines of dying animal.
What to do?
Let us abide by the rules of hygiene, elderly, young animals will not keep together, let's implement the recommendations of the treatment and veterinarian.

c) Histomoniasis (Lavandula Disease)
 Most dangerous diseases affecting Chickens and turkeys which cause to death, are various, mostly for turkeys. Turkey is a disease that distressed growers.
Parasites that cause the disease. These parasites are placed or placed in the liver or intestines.
There are three ways of transmission
First, the parasite eggs in feces occurs, then passes through the body of the other turkeys.
Second, it comes with the stool parasite itself, this parasite in fresh stool passes through the animals. Adult turkey’s stomach and gizzard melted, this figure contamination sick adult turkeys. . As well as in the form of an epidemic disease may be severe.
Third, as we know it with the help of worms. Settles into the worm parasites. This worm will eat the turkey into his body.
The mortality rate is very high
Very lethal disease 3-12-week high rate of animals leads to death. 2-3 days after symptoms of the disease were observed in the rate of deaths begins. It kills 50-100 percent. Old turkeys are more fortunate. They are able to overcome disease.
Symptoms of the disease
Fond of animals, it is irremediable.
Puffed feathers, wings sagging, tails decreased.
Heads bowed condition are standing up.
Diarrhea. Stool color is yellow, the color of sulfur.
The anus is wet and dirty. Comb black, has a black color per animal (buckwheat).

Blind gut of animals dying in bleeding wounds stand out. The liver has a yellow-green color distortion.
You know what you should do to diagnose. They should be taken to the lab  where it will be a definitive diagnosis of sick and dead turkeys.
Veterinarian should be treated according to the proposal after diagnosis.
The most important protections chicken’s turkeys kept separate from affected chickens carrying diseases. Turkey youngsters should not go near the old turkeys. Turkeys should be kept separated. Chicken careers. They may also carry disease.
Supports turkey coops cleaned frequently, the base must be incinerated.
Histomonas Parasite other parasites and worms must struggle with.
d) External parasites of poultry
The most important external parasites of chickens are lice, fleas and mange bugs. Disturbing the animal weakness decrease.
Head End, the body louse, depending on the region where he dedicating wing bits.
Animal does not eat lunch when it multiplies Head End is uncomfortable, animal cannot sleep.
Wing feathers bit too small. Thin places. Dark greenish yellow color. Do not give much discomfort.
Bit is the most common and the most important one red hen. Pigeon coops are very abundant. Pear-shaped, reddish, black-and-red color. It is ıtchy and awfully uncomfortable. As well as the abundance of blood absorb. If they are a large number of young birds will kill 8-10 days.

Chicken eggs of lice
In these birds can cause discomfort. If duplicate numbers, need to fight.
In fact, a tick which type of pigeons seen in chickens. They are flat and absorbs at night. Once the blood sucked, 4-5 years’ experience blood sucking.
A large number of the chickens bloodless is lost. Together with severe itching. Carry infectious harmful poultry diseases.
Source: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs