“When poultry equipments are mentioned, the first to come to mind is Mert Veterinarian”

Disinfection and Bio-Security Tips

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Biosecurity Recommendations BIOSAFETY GROWN IN POULTRY: Disease agents of humans and animals living areas are all of the measures to prevent the entry and spread.

For disease control, site selection and architectural structure of the entity are important.
1. Enterprise established in the prevailing direction of the wind, taking into account as far as possible away from other livestock and poultry, must be installed in an isolated area.
2. Businesses completely turned around. For example, other than the trees, fruit trees, birds can be attracted to him. A single door for input and output must be controlled. The door "controlled entry" signs must be posted pointing to i.
3. Poultry businesses surrounding areas; vegetation and away from the ruins, especially concrete or similar material should be made.
4. Properties must be for one type of poultry breeding, breeding herds of both the commercial herds have "all-in-all-out" principle, trained, at the same time the animals enter the same age at the same time must go.
5. Cages, feed, water and egg storage; wild birds, rodents and insects also not allowed to enter the type to be built.
6. Sound proof windows, vents (fans), and other openings in the rodents, birds and insects manner that will prevent the entrance window covered with wire
7. Flocks all floors, a flat, proper cleaning and disinfection, water proof must be built in a way. All materials, tables, floors, can be evacuated, hunting, washable, brushing known, cleanable potable water can be disinfected with a disinfectant approved and finally must specs.
8. Proper waste disposal and drainage systems must be installed securely.
Poultry and feed stores, wild birds, dogs, cats and rodents, and other farm animals to prevent entry.
9. Feed silos and containers must be completely closed, to prevent contamination by pets and wild birds. Feed tanks, silos and feeding equipment should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis.
10. Wild birds, many domestic poultry (chicken, turkey, duck, and goose) can carry disease. Limited contact with wild birds and domestic poultry. Prevent the creation of pools of water spilled onto the floor that attracts wild birds and feed and waste eliminated. Your field of wild birds, nesting and should not be Perching areas.
11. In and around buildings and warehouses in the establishment of wild birds and other animals to avoid; Property access roads, parking area, courtyards, poultry house and warehouse environments, should be kept tidy and clean at all the time.
12. Businesses, rodent and pest control program should be implemented effectively. As a detective in the determination of rodents studied. Attractant traps and monitored the activities of rodents feed.
Feed and water resources must be secure.
13. Birds should be given only fresh potable water. Drinking water channel system up to the water source, cannon are cleaned with water on a regular basis. Water should not be left exposed to the pollution of waters by wild birds.
14. Only licensed food factories feeds produced in the Ministry of Agriculture should be used.
15. All the feeds used in poultry and facilities in terms of salmonella decontamination program should be monitored and the baits should be preferred.
16. Disinfection of drinking and potable water, chlorination, ultraviolet, and so can be done with methods. "In the case of chlorine disinfection of drinking water samples taken from endpoints to the maximum amount of free residual chlorine of 0.5 mg / L should be." (For detailed information on Water Intended for Human Consumption Regulations February 17, 2005-No: 25 730-RG)

All wastes; safely kept away.
17. Damaged (broken, cracked, dirty), eggs, sick and dead birds, litter and fertilizers, is inviting diseases. They are safely kept away.
18. All tools should be cleaned and disinfected before and after each expedition. If possible, poultry, feed, fertilizer, and other different instruments should be used for the transport of waste.
Farms should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis.
19. All vehicles, cages, crates, containers and other equipment before and after use, should be fully cleaned and disinfected. No material without cleaning and disinfection, as well as businesses need to be transported from poultry houses. Cleaning and hygiene, vaccination and medication should include tools.
20. Cages emptied at the end of the period, all the buildings and equipment, drainage channels, drinkers and fans thoroughly cleaned. All debris, dead birds, increasing baits should be eliminated. All buildings and equipment, together with the disinfection rodent and pest control program should be implemented. Cleaning equipment and protective clothing, cleaning and disinfection should also be noted.
Staff and visitors access to poultry flocks are rare and must be controlled.
21. Closed to visitors and their vehicles, as well as limited to the theme of flocks grown in outdoor setting
22. All employees and visitors within the scope of disease control measures, shower and change clothes and take a shower units enter houses through necessary after a change of clothes.
23. For all staff and visitors entering the poultry holdings, clothes are cleaned and disinfected or disposable overalls, cap-hat and boots should be kept and used.
24. Visitors, vehicles, pressurized water for cleaning and disinfection of equipment and boots, brush, hose and should be an effective disinfectant. Disinfectant boots in the style of foot bath which changed frequently. Hands should be washed with soap and water plentiful.
25. Staff and visitors outside the realm of their duties should avoid direct contact with other poultry or their products.
26. Especially where they are needed to do the cleaning and disinfection reminds entrance doors should be hung on the warning plate and instructions.
Herd day by observing and recording must be kept on a regular basis.
27. If more than one if you have lots of different businesses, each lot should be considered as a separate and independent
28. Entrepreneur put the new birds, only audited on a regular basis against salmonella and other disease pathogens, in other words, "Hatchery and Breeding Establishments of Labour and Health Control Regulation" shall be provided by certified firms.
29. Each lot of the undertaking (poultry) for all vaccinations, disease diagnoses, treatments, and record should be maintained regularly to death. These records control and supervision should always be open.
30. In cases where the health of poultry is never sure the purchase should not be taken or transported.
31. Veterinary doctor at risk, but the basic biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of disease in a herd health plan ready with the plan for the protection of new herds must include measures and procedures for sampling for certain diseases.
32. Personnel must be trained, biosecurity and strict training of all employees on the importance of hygiene must be maintained.
33. Symptoms of the disease in the herd should be monitored continuously. Increased mortality, decreased egg production and respiratory problems point to be noted that the early signs of illness.
34. If you carry a suspicion of a disease, tell your doctor immediately or veterinary, suggestions should be taken, in order to obtain further evidence on the disease to be expected.
For more information, see Cleaning and disinfection (Infectious Animal Diseases Combating Cleaning and Disinfection Application Instructions)

Table 1: Poultry breeding and characteristics of disinfectants usage





































Organic Matter and Activity *






Area of ​​Use

Incubation Equipment






Water Equipment
























Foot Bath















Quaterner ammonium derivatives



+ Sign, disinfectants, disinfectant effect and the resulting organic matter loss, which refers to the degree of affinity.









Less effective

Source: International Office of Epizooties (OIE), Appendix 3.4.1
